NYSE: RIG 4.659 0.179 4% 12:53 P.M. ET
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Legal/Privacy Notice

This website was established to provide convenient access to information about Afosters Oil and Construction LLC and our drilling services. By viewing our site, or using or downloading information from our site, you acknowledge and agree to abide by all of the below terms and conditions.

1. Disclaimer and Limited License

We compiled the information on our site in good faith; however, the information on our site may have become out of date or be incomplete, inaccurate, or contain typographical errors. Additionally, information on the website may have been provided or maintained by non-Afosters Oil and Construction LLC companies or individuals. Accordingly, we expressly do not make any representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information on our website. Your use of or reliance upon any information on our website is strictly at your own risk. We reserve the right to update, modify, or remove the site or any of the information on the site without prior notice.

The logos and trademarks displayed on this website belong to Afosters Oil and Construction LLC or other parties. The site itself and the materials on it, unless otherwise stated, are copyright protected. You are allowed to view and download information on this site solely for your personal, non-commercial uses, and you agree to comply with all applicable copyright and intellectual property laws. You may not interrupt or attempt to interrupt operation of our website in any way. You also may not modify the site or information on it in any way or reproduce, sell, publish, license, publicly display, or distribute or otherwise use either of them for commercial or public purposes. Any unauthorized use of our site or information on it may violate Afosters Oil and Construction LLC 's legal rights and may make you liable for damages or penalties.

2. Notice to Investors/Forward Looking Statements

This website may contain information and materials that include historical facts and/or projections and other "forward looking statements" as defined by Canada federal securities laws. You should be aware that statements made on our website may contain historical facts that have become out of date. You should also be aware that any projections or forward looking statements on this site reflect Afosters Oil and Construction LLC 's current views about future events and/or financial performance, and should not be deemed as any assurance that such events or performance will occur as projected. Circumstances that may cause future events or our performance to be different from our projections are described in our filings with Canada Securities and Exchange Commission, such as our quarterly report for the most recently ended fiscal quarter and annual report on Form 10-K for the most recently ended fiscal year. Afosters Oil and Construction LLC disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise such statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Nothing on our website is intended to be investment advice, and you should not base any decision to invest in our securities on the information contained on our website.

3. Privacy

We are committed to maintaining the trust of those who use our website by taking appropriate steps to protect their privacy and comply with all applicable data protection laws. Accordingly, we have structured our website so that our visitors who wish only to view the site may generally do so without identifying themselves or disclosing any personal information.   Our web server, however, may collect basic user information about our site viewers that includes an ISP's domain, the date and time our website was accessed, and the website pages that were viewed. We may also use small text files called "cookies" to track user sessions and page views. If we collect any basic user information or use cookies for our website viewers, we do so to analyze our web traffic and to help regulate usage or tailor our site to our viewers' needs and preferences. Our webserver will not, however, collect email addresses or aggregate information regarding other webpages on the web you have accessed or visited. If you do not want cookies placed on your computer, you may block them using your internet browser. You may still view our website with cookies blocked.

For those visitors to our website that wish to sign up for our alert services, apply for employment, or access restricted areas, we may need to collect certain additional information. This additional information will be used to qualify such visitors for access, identify them as authorized to access restricted areas, provide services, respond to inquiries regarding our business, provide information regarding our business, and otherwise engage in activity related to Afosters Oil and Construction LLC 's business operations. You may amend any registration details submitted through our website at any time or contact us to have your registration information removed. Any data we collect via our website may be processed and transferred to Afosters Oil and Construction LLC subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors, agents, and business partners in any of the countries in which Afosters Oil and Construction LLC or its subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors, agents, and business partners conduct operations.

You should be aware that the laws of the nations where information may be transferred may not provide the same protection as the nation where the data originated. Should you submit any information to us in connection with use of our website, you agree that you will not have control over processing or transfer of that data and consent to the collection, processing, or use of that information. Afosters Oil and Construction LLC uses reasonable measures to protect against the unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction of information, and will not generally transfer data gathered via our website to any entity or person that does not have a need to know the information in order to process or manage it on our behalf or to provide services available on our website and has not agreed to not disclose the information to others. If Afosters Oil and Construction LLC , however, is required by law to disclose information it gathers regarding users of its website or where it believes in good faith it must disclose such information to comply with a law-enforcement related request, protect Afosters Oil and Construction LLC property or rights, or to protect the rights or property of others, it may elect to make the disclosure.

4. Governing Law

Our website is maintained within Canada and administered by Afosters Oil and Construction LLC from its location in Houston, Texas. We do not represent that the content on our website or that the use of our website is appropriate or available in all national locations. The terms and conditions of use of our website shall be governed by the laws of the state of Texas.

5. Severability and Amendment

If any of the above terms and conditions is deemed invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, all the other terms and conditions will nevertheless remain in force.